Kotlin Multiplatform — Bluetooth Permission and Bluetooth Service Setting

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile — Permissions by Adrian Witaszak

Welcome back to our series on permissions in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. This article will focus on implementing the platform-specific Bluetooth permission and the Bluetooth service system setting. By integrating these permissions into our existing permission framework, we can provide a comprehensive solution for handling Bluetooth-related functionality in our multiplatform app.

Before we dive into the implementation details, let’s briefly understand the importance of these permissions in a mobile app.

Bluetooth Permission: Bluetooth technology allows devices to communicate wirelessly. To utilize Bluetooth functionality in our app, we need to request the necessary Bluetooth permission from the user. By requesting this permission, we ensure that our app has the necessary access to use Bluetooth features effectively.

Bluetooth Service System Setting: In addition to the Bluetooth permission, some platforms require the user to enable the system-level Bluetooth service. This setting ensures that the device’s Bluetooth functionality is enabled and available for use. We will integrate this capability into our app, allowing users to seamlessly enable the Bluetooth service when required.

We will follow the same pattern we established in the previous article to implement these permissions in our Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile app. We will create a platform-specific BluetoothPermissionDelegate that will handle the Bluetooth permission logic. Similarly, we will introduce a BluetoothServiceSettingDelegate to handle the Bluetooth service system setting.

First, we add permissions in the Android’s Manifest.xml in androidMain/kotlin:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />


Android Bluetooth delegate

Here are the implementations for the Bluetooth permission and Bluetooth service setting delegates specifically for Android. These delegates handle the platform-specific logic for obtaining the Bluetooth permission and opening the Bluetooth service settings page.

package com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.delegate

import android.Manifest
import android.app.Activity
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Build
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.model.Permission
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.model.PermissionState
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util.PermissionRequestException
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util.checkPermissions
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util.openAppSettingsPage
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util.providePermissions

internal class BluetoothPermissionDelegate(
    private val context: Context,
    private val activity: Lazy<Activity>,
) : PermissionDelegate {
    override fun getPermissionState(): PermissionState {
        return checkPermissions(context, activity, bluetoothPermissions)

    override suspend fun providePermission() {
        activity.value.providePermissions(bluetoothPermissions) {
            throw PermissionRequestException(Permission.BLUETOOTH.name)

    override fun openSettingPage() {

private val bluetoothPermissions: List<String> =
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S) {
    } else listOf(Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH)

The `BluetoothPermissionDelegate handles the Bluetooth permission logic. It utilizes the checkPermissions function to check the current state of the Bluetooth permission. When providing the permission, it delegates the task to the providePermissions function and throws a PermissionRequestException if the permission request is unsuccessful. When opening the settings page, it uses the openAppSettingsPage function to open the appropriate settings page for Bluetooth.

Android Bluetooth settings delegate

The BluetoothServicePermissionDelegate handles the Bluetooth service setting logic. It checks the state of the Bluetooth adapter to determine if the service is enabled or disabled. When providing the permission, it delegates to the openSettingPage function. To open the Bluetooth service settings page, it uses the openPage function with the appropriate Settings.ACTION_BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS action. If there is an error while opening the settings page, it throws a CannotOpenSettingsException.

package com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.delegate

import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter
import android.content.Context
import android.provider.Settings
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.model.Permission
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.model.PermissionState
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util.CannotOpenSettingsException
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util.openPage

internal class BluetoothServicePermissionDelegate(
    private val context: Context,
    private val bluetoothAdapter: BluetoothAdapter?,
) : PermissionDelegate {
    override fun getPermissionState(): PermissionState {
        return if (bluetoothAdapter?.isEnabled == true)
            PermissionState.GRANTED else PermissionState.DENIED

    override suspend fun providePermission() {

    override fun openSettingPage() {
            action = Settings.ACTION_BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS,
            onError = { throw CannotOpenSettingsException(Permission.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_ON.name) }

Here are the Android extensions and the checkPermissions function:

package com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util

import android.app.Activity
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.content.pm.PackageManager
import android.net.Uri
import android.provider.Settings
import androidx.core.app.ActivityCompat
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.model.Permission
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.model.PermissionState

internal fun Context.openPage(
    action: String,
    newData: Uri? = null,
    onError: (Exception) -> Unit,
) {
    try {
        val intent = Intent(action).apply {
            flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
            newData?.let { data = it }
    } catch (e: Exception) {

internal fun checkPermissions(
    context: Context,
    activity: Lazy<Activity>,
    permissions: List<String>,
): PermissionState {
    permissions.ifEmpty { return PermissionState.GRANTED } // no permissions needed
    val status: List<Int> = permissions.map {
    val isAllGranted: Boolean = status.all { it == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED }
    if (isAllGranted) return PermissionState.GRANTED

    val isAllRequestRationale: Boolean = try {
        permissions.all {
    } catch (t: Throwable) {
    return if (isAllRequestRationale) PermissionState.NOT_DETERMINED
    else PermissionState.DENIED

internal fun Activity.providePermissions(
    permissions: List<String>,
    onError: (Throwable) -> Unit,
) {
    try {
            this, permissions.toTypedArray(), 100
    } catch (t: Throwable) {

internal fun Context.openAppSettingsPage(permission: Permission) {
        newData = Uri.parse("package:$packageName"),
        onError = { throw CannotOpenSettingsException(permission.name) }

The openPage extension function allows us to open different system settings pages or any other desired actions in Android. It takes an action string, optional new data URI, and an error handling lambda. It creates an intent with the given action, sets the appropriate flags, and starts the activity. If an exception occurs, the provided onError lambda is called.

The checkPermissions function takes a Context, a lazy Activity, and a list of permissions. It checks if the list of permissions is empty and returns PermissionState.GRANTED if no permissions are needed. It then maps the status of each permission using checkSelfPermission and checks if all permissions are granted. If all permissions are granted, it returns PermissionState.GRANTED.

In cases where the activity is not yet available, it returns PermissionState.NOT_DETERMINED because we cannot check the permission rationale. Otherwise, it checks if all permissions have their rationale dismissed and returns PermissionState.NOT_DETERMINED if so, or PermissionState.DENIED otherwise.

iOS Bluetooth permission delegate

The BluetoothPermissionDelegate for iOS utilizes the CoreBluetooth framework to handle the Bluetooth permission logic. The getPermissionState() function checks the current authorization status using CBCentralManager.authorization. It maps the authorization status to the corresponding PermissionState.

To provide the Bluetooth permission, the delegate uses CBCentralManager().authorization(), which prompts the user to grant the permission if it hasn't been determined yet.

For opening the Bluetooth settings page, the delegate calls the openAppSettingsPage() function, which opens the settings page for the app. Users can then navigate to the Bluetooth settings section to manage their Bluetooth permissions.

package com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.delegate

import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.model.PermissionState
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util.openAppSettingsPage
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBCentralManager
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBManagerAuthorizationAllowedAlways
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBManagerAuthorizationDenied
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBManagerAuthorizationNotDetermined
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBManagerAuthorizationRestricted

internal class BluetoothPermissionDelegate : PermissionDelegate {
    override fun getPermissionState(): PermissionState {
        return when (CBCentralManager.authorization) {
            CBManagerAuthorizationNotDetermined -> PermissionState.NOT_DETERMINED
            CBManagerAuthorizationAllowedAlways, CBManagerAuthorizationRestricted -> PermissionState.GRANTED
            CBManagerAuthorizationDenied -> PermissionState.DENIED
            else -> PermissionState.NOT_DETERMINED

    override suspend fun providePermission() {

    override fun openSettingPage() {

IOS Bluetooth Service delegate

package com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.delegate

import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.model.PermissionState
import com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util.openNSUrl
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBCentralManager
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBCentralManagerDelegateProtocol
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBManagerAuthorizationAllowedAlways
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBManagerAuthorizationRestricted
import platform.CoreBluetooth.CBManagerStatePoweredOn
import platform.darwin.NSObject

internal class BluetoothServicePermissionDelegate : PermissionDelegate {
    private val cbCentralManager: CBCentralManager by lazy {
            object : NSObject(), CBCentralManagerDelegateProtocol {
                override fun centralManagerDidUpdateState(central: CBCentralManager) {}

    override fun getPermissionState(): PermissionState {
        val hasBluetoothPermissionGranted =
            CBCentralManager.authorization == CBManagerAuthorizationAllowedAlways ||
                    CBCentralManager.authorization == CBManagerAuthorizationRestricted
        return if (hasBluetoothPermissionGranted) {
            if (cbCentralManager.state() == CBManagerStatePoweredOn)
                PermissionState.GRANTED else PermissionState.DENIED
        } else PermissionState.NOT_DETERMINED

    override suspend fun providePermission() {

    override fun openSettingPage() {

The corrected BluetoothPermissionDelegate for iOS utilizes the CoreBluetooth framework to handle the Bluetooth permission logic. The getPermissionState() function checks the current authorization status using CBCentralManager.authorization. It maps the authorization status to the corresponding PermissionState.

To provide the Bluetooth permission, the delegate uses CBCentralManager().requestAuthorization(), which prompts the user to grant the permission if it hasn't been determined yet.

Here are the iOS extensions:

package com.adrianwitaszak.kmmpermissions.permissions.util

import platform.Foundation.NSURL
import platform.UIKit.UIApplication
import platform.UIKit.UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString

fun openNSUrl(string: String) {
    val settingsUrl: NSURL = NSURL.URLWithString(string)!!
    if (UIApplication.sharedApplication.canOpenURL(settingsUrl)) {
    } else throw CannotOpenSettingsException(string)

internal fun openAppSettingsPage() {

The openNSUrl function takes a URL string and attempts to open it using UIApplication.sharedApplication.openURL. Before opening the URL, it checks if the app can handle the URL using UIApplication.sharedApplication.canOpenURL. If the app can handle the URL, it opens it; otherwise, it throws a CannotOpenSettingsException.

The openAppSettingsPage function uses the openNSUrl function to open the app settings page. It calls openNSUrl with the UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString constant, which represents the URL for opening the app settings.

These extensions provide the necessary functionality to open system settings pages and handle URL-based navigation in iOS.

Also, on iOS we need to provide a reason for requesting Bluetooth permission always in the info.plist.

// info.plist
<string>Our app uses bluetooth to find, connect and transfer data between different devices</string>

Link to the project branch with Bluetooth permissions: Kotlin Multiplatform Permissions

Stay tuned for the next article, where we will dive deeper into the implementation details of location permissions. We will explore how to integrate the necessary delegates for location permission and location service on both Android and iOS platforms. Follow along as we take another step towards building a robust multiplatform app with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile and empower your app with location-based functionality.

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